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Well, you're aware of some bugs going by the list. I quite enjoy the jank. :) You can also scale walls by jumping and sheathing/unsheathing.

I hope you can iron it out because you have an ambitious project with some good idea in it. 

hello HurricaneOf87

Thank you very much for the playtesting. We will fix it as soon as possible. we will let you know it if we had any progress. 

Thank you for finding the sheathing bugs, we will include it to our fixing list

happy gaming :D


since this game is in the early development stage, I expected some glitches and bugs. I just saw the protagonist naked a couple of times lol. The combat is just amazing. the movements, the slowmo kinda thing, the flips it was all amazing. but I noticed that it is a little bit hard to aim when you are in "spirit mode" (idk what to call it sorry) When I died in the boss fight there's just white screen so I thought that was the ending of the game. 
Overall, it is a good game really. I am amazed by the combat animations it feels like  a mini dark soul game. I had a lot of fun and I'm hoping that I would see and play the final version of your game.

p.s game starts at 00:16


Hi cianny, thank you very mush for the play testing and the bugs you have found. sorry the game is still has a lot of bugs. we will give an update for the fixing soon

(1 edit)

The animation, and art direction is brilliant, thank you so much for releasing the prototype build for us, I added it to my collection and am following your studio!

Can't wait to see the finished build! Will the finished build be released to GoG BTW?


Hi TZODnmr2k53

right now we are still focusing on developing some update and fixing some bugs. To be honest, we still have never check GoG for now. Thanks for the suggestion, we will check for it soon.  

Cool, thank you for the reply, if this doesn't get released on gog I'll still buy it here!

Hey there, fun game, it's shaping to be a good one!

Yet, if in the future you are interested in getting it translated into Spanish, or need any help regarding the language, please, let me know!


hello dunkelheyt

thanks for your support, we hope we can discuss more in the future about the offer.  Happy gaming :)

Sure thing, feel free to let me know in the future! If you want to discuss or just talk, please hit me up in Twitter @ Dunkelheyt
I'd be delighted to do so!

White screen

Well noted, thank you for finding another bugs 😁, we will fix it in our next update

Wah keren!! semoga sukses yaa!

Hello kak, tengkyu banget lho 😁😁

Actually really enjoyed the game. Definitely wanna come back when it's in a further stage of development though.

thank you for testing our game :)

well, that pushing and ghost system is definitely need more improvement. thank you for mentioning that bugs out. we will definitely try to fix the mechanics 

thank you and enjoy playing more games :)

this game is awesome

hoaaa thank you :)

This game is really gorgeous, I love it, but like the trailer and the beginning of the game says it's still in development. My experience with the game so far is that the dev's really worked hard on the environment, but not so much the mechanics of the game keeping my eye on this one. 

thank you for testing the game :)

yes, we see there is a lot of bad bugs we need to fix immediately like sword switch is still dragging, push mechanics bug, ghost mode camera and movement, etc. we will fix it as soon as possible

hope you enjoy playing our game :)

This game resembles me of Tenchu, and I love it! Definitely will keep my eyes in the project! Also, if you are ever in need of a translator in case you want to make your game available in portuguese too, I'd be happy to help!

Whoaaa, thank you for having interest in our projectπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Thank you also for the offer, i hope we can discuss again in the future of our project

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good but i have problem block ..

Hi, thank ypu for playing our game 😁

Wow the bug on the box push is very bad, we are very sory for thet πŸ˜”. And also we see some bugs during your gameplay video.

We have neted all the problem and we will fix it in our next update. Thank you very much for playing and keep playing more games 😁

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no problem...hope look versione console :D very beauty game

Okay I have tried the game and wow... I had truly a lot of issues with it. If you like then please watch my video.

Hi, thank you for playtesting our prototype build. We got all your feedback and we had notes any bugs & issue during the playtesting. We are trully sory for any bad experience during your playtesting πŸ˜”

Nice video btw, love your youtube  content and keep play more games 😁